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Zkušenost s prací na Kypru
Letošní léto jsem se rozhodla strávit pracovně na Kypru. S dalšími šesti dívkami jsme oslovily agenturu Gaa – agency, která nám následně zprostředkovala práci v hotelu Hellas v Kakopetrii. Realita však byla nakonec zcela jiná než naše očekávání, a proto bych se zde chtěla podělit o naše nepříjemné zážitky.
great, 28.08.2021 15:05, Reagovat
Scientists have discovered the skeleton of https://dailyday.com.ua/ a whale that lived 43 million years ago in the Fayum region of Egypt, which can live both on land and in water. https://labastide-saint-pierre.com/
It is believed that whales, https://heavy.news/ now living in the seas and oceans, first evolved in South Asia about 50 million years ago. Recently, one of the first examples of whales that can only swim in water, https://word-press.info/ but can also live on land because they had four legs millions of years ago, was found in Peru.

Scientists from Egypt's Mansoura University recently added https://200iso.fr/ a new one to these samples and found a four-legged whale skeleton in Fayyum, a desert in western Egypt that used to be covered with seas. http://metro-montreal.com/ After the discovery, interesting details about the whale, which was analyzed by scientists at the university, emerged. According to the article published in the https://www.subsaharandrilling.com/ scientific journal The Royal Society, this 3 meter long whale has an extremely strong jaw to catch prey both on land and in the sea.

The lead author of the study, Abdullah Gohar, https://chanterelle.net/ used the following expressions for this skeleton, whose skull resembles that of Anubis, an ancient Egyptian god; "Phiomicetus Anubis is an important whale species and an extremely critical discovery https://netsolution.fr/ for Egyptian and African paleontology."
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